A warm welcome to everybody at Isabella's oriental blog!
I have been thinking about which picture I should post at the beginning... to introduce this blog and myself... My intention is to post regularly thoughts and pics about the "Oriental Lifestyle" that I love so much. I draw inspirations from the traditional cultures from North Africa along the Mediterranean shores, along the Silk Roads right to India and sometimes beyond, to the Far East of China and Japan. There will be news from my work as a dancing teacher, souvenirs from my travels around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, pieces of handmade costumes and jewellery, ideas on literature, music, ecc. Have fun reading!
I have been thinking about which picture I should post at the beginning... to introduce this blog and myself... My intention is to post regularly thoughts and pics about the "Oriental Lifestyle" that I love so much. I draw inspirations from the traditional cultures from North Africa along the Mediterranean shores, along the Silk Roads right to India and sometimes beyond, to the Far East of China and Japan. There will be news from my work as a dancing teacher, souvenirs from my travels around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, pieces of handmade costumes and jewellery, ideas on literature, music, ecc. Have fun reading!
The picture I chose shows the entrance of my house where I live with my beloved husband and my little daughter.
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