
Long time

Gosh, something has to happen to this blog! I realized that I did not post anything almost for a year now! Awwww, ok, I had a lot of work, finished my PhD thesis, took part in Helene Eriksen's dance project ANAR DANA, and so on. But enough with excuses. Now, let's go to work!
Ok, now two new projects I want to realize here, that will hopefully bring some movement to this sleeping blog.
ONE: As you all know my husband is from the beautiful country of Algeria, a land geographically not far from Europe, but very neglected from the rest of the western world. During our last trip I had the feeling that I could finally manage the language (after seven years of marriage it seems very late to me. But since my approach to languges is very academic, a language without a written base, with no dictionary to check was very difficult to grasp. With my notions of classical Arabic I had some clues, but it felt like being given a German grammar for somebody who wanted to learn Svedish), and finally have the impression that I could understand some of the things people are thinking and doing. At least a little bit better than before. So I will start a series of thoughts here in loose order, stay tuned!

Second, and this will defintely the fun part, I will share some of my oriental and folk music pickings, some old, some new, but worth to listen to (once again).

Have fun!

So, my picking for today is a cute, tongue-in-cheek modern interpretation of a very famous traditional Georgian folk song with beautiful dancing scenes with and without national costumes. The band's name is BANI, and I couldn't find out more than that, anyway, enjoy some fresh Georgian Popfolk!
BTW: The dance is called Lekuri, also known as Lezginka, a common dance in the whole Caucasian Area! 

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