
A Winter Romance - Three gifts for Cinderella

Winter, snow, christmas. This almost perfect triad needs only a small addition, which in my opinion is the classical fairytale movie "Three Wishes for Cinderella" (Tři oříšky pro Popelku), a czech-german co-production from 1973.

This edition of the Grimms brothers fairytale is so appealing to me not only because we almost the same age, but I adore its freshness and the vivid characters.
A Cinderella that doesnt need to wait for her prince to find her, but a Cinderella that rides on horseback and shoots with the crossbow like a devil, outsmarts her stepmother with wit and charms, and still remains so lovely and captivating.

So this year I indulged again in Cinderellas beautiful and enchanting images that do not need any special effects to create some magic so modest that it could happen everyday.
So do not ever give in when life plays pranks on you sometimes. Do not loose faith and believe. Magic is everywhere for those who have not forgotten to be innocent like a child.

Watch Cinderella on youtube - unfortunately I couldnt find a proper English version. Here is one with an English voiceover.

However if you are lucky enough to understand some German do not miss this fanpage: http://3hfa.jimdo.com/

Picture credits: here and here.

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