
Joy of Dancing: Anar Dana DVD Release

It arrived yesterday ... and I just had  to flip through the beautiful dances of the DVD to soak in the beauty immediately... like a yummy variety of fruits on a silver tray there are traditional and little know dances from a large number of places between North Africa and India, either performed by the Anar Dana group or by Helene herself, in carefully handsewn costumes - a feast for every lover of authentic dances of the East!
Featuring dances from:
Baluchistan, Rajasthan, Algeria, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Iran, the West Sahara, Morocco and Kurdistan.
I have written in a previous post about my beloved teacher Helene Eriksen and I simply can not get enough of her art!
If you love traditional Eastern dancing don't miss this opportunity, you can order the DVD at: mail@helene-eriksen.de.

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