
Pallavi Goenka: Indian Textile Tradition and Innovation

Pallavi Goenka is a young designer and she presents a fascinating blend of traditional indian textile tradition and innovation.
Her origins are in the colourful region of Rajasthan from where she gets always new inspiration and bright notes for her very special urban outfits.

She works with renowned artisians and craftsmen; this is visible in every single piece of her collection.
Pallavi Goenka is a Fashion Design graduate from SNDT Mumbai,in 1997. At the age of 18, Pallavi's first major step in the world of fashion was her store 'Pals Couture' in Kemps corner, Mumbai. In 2007 she launched her own brand Ktha, a blend of tradition and modernity.
The brand runs into pret, diffusion and couture. Currently, Ktha retails from various boutiques around India, most notably in Mumbai, Kolkatta, and Ahemdabad.

But this is not all: the multi-talented artist Pallavi works also in the field of painting and photography. Her paintings are bright and cheerful, and her photographs show her precise and observing gaze. So I end here with two more impressions and am looking forward to seeing more!

All pictures: Pallavi Goenka.
Log onto the facebook fanpage for more information.


  1. oh lovely... her stuff looks gorgeous!

  2. such richness of texture and color!

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