
Joy of Dancing: Gudrun Märtins – a German Odissi Dancer

I had heard about Gudrun Märtins, one of the leading artists of the classical Indian dance form Odissi in the western world, but when I saw her performance a few weeks ago, I was completely smitten. Her entrance on stage, accompanied by the sound of conch shell trumpets, reveales her exquisite features through the opulent make-up. Her face is a perfect oval with a long and slender nose. Her eyebrows form crescent moons decorated with elegant white dots, her lips are full and sensual with a mysterious Mona Lisa smile. But most alluring are her large, luminous eyes, dark and deep enough to drown oneself.

A piece in honor of the ten goddesses reveal the wide range of her art. She strikes dramatic poses with precision and expresses feelings through the most disciplined and economical gestures. Her movements are crisp and practiced with a perfection that needs many years to be reached. In the dance narrative parts and parts of pure dance, intermingled with acrobatic poses, alternate and create a complete masterpiece.

Gudrun Märtins holds a "Master of Arts" degree at Pracheen Kala Kendra University in Bhubaneshwar (India) after a total of 6 years of study in the Guru Shishya System with her teacher Sangeeta Dash in Bhubaneshwar, in the state of Orissa. With increasing proficiency she received the responsibility to teach classes and appeared at performances and festivals in India.

The following day I was lucky also to attend one of her workshops, taught with mastery, precision and a good sense of humor. Check her dates here and if you happen to be somewhere around, don't miss it!

Picture credits here and here.

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