

An ordinary morning. An everyday bliss.
Coffee and homemade cantuccini in the winter garden.

500g flour
500g sugar
4 eggs
200g whole almonds
1 sachet baking powder
2 sachets vanillia sugar
1 tablespoon aniseed
1 pich sea salt

Beat egg whites. Mix everything (sticky procedure). Mould rolls of ca. 3cm diameter and display on a baking tray using parchment paper. Bake at 180°C until the dough becomes solid. Take the tray out of the oven, cut rolls diagonally into 1-2cm thin slices, bake again until the cantuccini are completely dry.

Serve with coffee or dessert wine.

Mind your teeth!


  1. Thank you so much for the recipe and thanks for posting more regularly on your blog. Your blog has now become so good that even I feel envy and the content as well as illustration are so good it is hard for me to describe them in words.

  2. Thank you Vinay for you kind comment! That means so much to me!

  3. Hallo Isabella, vielen lieben Dank für deine Besuch bei mir!! Ich habe mich nun ein bisschen bei dir umgesehen --- sehr schön hier! Nur: mein Englisch ist nicht so rasend gut - deshalb viele liebe Grüße auf Deutsch von

