
Gudrun Sjödén: New Colours for Spring

Yesterday I received the new catalog from Germany based swedish fashion designer Gudrun Sjödén - how could I not share some of the pictures!

Her Spring 2010 collection bursts in mesmerizing colours and as usually she wins the heart of her clients with her unique urban hippie style, inspired by folklore techniques from all over the world.
Every season is inspired by another region; after Bhutan last winter she chose for the spring the lavender scented landscape of the Provence, immortalized by the artists Van Gogh, Picasso and Cézanne. The pictures leave the smell of mediterranean herbs like thyme, rosemary, fennel and basil, right in the middle of an olive grove...

Get vitalized even on the most dark winter's day (oh, yes, here we are still covered in snow!) absorbing the soothing atmosphere!

All pictures from Gudrun Sjödén.


  1. Love your blog...stumbled upon it as I was browsing....I was drawn to the first picture on this post with the flowing gown in a Suzani-inspired print....The reason I was drawn to it was because I just posted an article on Suzanis in my blog. I will keep checking your blog for updates. Love what you say and show !! Keep it up !

  2. got to see ur blog..good to know you are a kathak practitioner and yoga student...like ur space..:)

  3. I love the amazing sense of color Swedes have... everything they do have these amazing shades of vibrant colors and great prints!

  4. Beautiful prints and colours. But what really sells this look is the photography. Great find!
