
Happy New Year to Everybody!

Got up early today... It is still completely dark outside, but the fresh snow reflects the street lights with a mysterious glow...
First coffee in 2010... Today I feel the coming year as fresh and untouched like the fresh fallen snow outside. Impatiently I wait for my second daugter to be born (in two months), lots of happiness! But the challenges to come sometimes scare me, a PhD thesis to write, working and keeping the family together at the same time, and still being able to find some hours here and there to spend my creative energy. I can't wait to recover my physical strength and flexibility, the past months without being able to dance have been terrible!
Big New Year's pledges make me feel constricted, so I have only small ones... definitely I will blog more regularly ;-) now that I have finally fixed my new computer (yes, the stubborn girl wanted to fix all by herself, and it took an eternity...)! So many posts are still in my head. Second... Find more time for myself. Resume regular dance and yoga training. Talk to interesting people. Read books for pleasure. Catch moments with the camera. Let ideas grow. Slowly. Seems to be the most difficult task... If I can make at least some of these things happen, next year will be a good one!
I wish you all a blessed 2010 with many wonderful experiences!

Early morning arabic coffee. Cup and pot from the Westbanks, Palestine. Suzani from Uzbekistan.

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