
Farewell to Summer and Hello to New Activities!

(Mediterranean Summer Sky)

I have been neglecting my blog in the last weeks due to summer temperatures and the beginning of my second pregnancy which is still slowing down my path noticeably.
But now a new season full of challenges is about to begin and I'd like to celebrate it with a few Mediterranean End-of-Summer pics from the archives.
I wish to everybody a great week and many new things to experience!

(Home cultivated honey and home distilled plum brandy)

(Cornel cherries)

Pictures shot in Cres, Croatia, 09/2006.


  1. Hi Isabella, its been a long time since I visited your blog. It is nice to see you have kept up the good work and in fact matured as a blogger and an individual.

  2. Hi Isabella... Congrats on jr coming.. You'll soon have your hands full!!!

    Hope you are well.... Love the way you talk about change of weather.. Here in Dubai its still hot.. hot... We can only look forward to a slight change in temperature.
